Rapport du groupe de travail de l'O.M.S (Lyon, 28-30 Novembre 1990)


  1. Introduction
  2. Airn and objectlves of the lJorking Group
    2.1 Aim
    2.2 Objectives
  3. Proceedings and discussions
    3.1 Opening session
    3.2 Addresses by Dr H. Nakajima and Dr P. Nogier
    3,3 Progress report on the Standardization of Auricular Acupuncture Nomenclature
    3.4 Standardization of the anatomy of the ear
    3.5 Standardization of the Nomenclature of Auricular Points
    3.6 Standard Nomenclature of Auricular Points
    3.7 Nomenclature of Auricular Points not yet considered
    3.8 Auricular acupuncture charts
  4. Future plans
  5. Recommendations

Annex 1. Opening address by Dr Raphaël Nogier
Annex 2. Opening remarks by Dr Olayiwola Akerele
Annex 3. List of participants
Annex 4. Programme
Annex 5. Address by Dr Hiroshi Nakajima, Director-General, IJorld Health Organization
Annex 6. Address by Dr Paul Nogier
Annex 7. Progress Report on the Standardization of Auricular Aeupuncture Nomenclature
Annex 8. Closing remarks by Dr Olayiwola Akerele

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